Your explanation of Google Wave and how to ride the Waves while Blipping along at the TxDLA conference was terrific! I and my staff are excited to share the Waves with faculty at El Paso Communnity College. Thanks, Bob
All I can say girl is I am happy for you. Most of your posts lately and specially your pics on FB show you happier than I’ve ever known you and even though you had to go through hard stuff to get here, it seems like it’s more then worth it. Very happy for you and this was beautiful!
An unputdownable speech is designer annotate. I cerebrate that you should correspond statesman on this subject, it strength not be a taboo theme but generally fill are not enough to utter on specified topics. To the next. Cheers like your Womens lingerie videos.
CORRECTION: I apologize, I meant to say Thomas Jefferson did NOT make the statement you attribute to him. Three-letter words often are important…just like GOD.
Lo del flash es tan simple como que Firefox no va a soportar HTML5 en AVC mientras que tenga que soltar la gallina -y la va a tener que soltar-, Firefox supone el mayor trozo del pastel de navegadores y Google quiere mantener un estandar aceptado por la mayoría de navegadoresY como Flash sigue siendo infinitamente mejor que la etiqueta de vídeo de HTML5 en cuanto a rendimiento y soporte de estándares en cuanto a reproducción de vídeo … blanco y en botellaPD: Puedes subir 1GB pero la cuenta es de 1GB
Anon: How thoughtful, how insightful of you. I think the reason I felt so lousy about it all is…well, gee, MY gardens are my own attempt at something constructive, especially in light of my thoughts on how we as a species tend to screw things up. I didn’t expect destruction so close to home. Nada: a girl with a plan and a shovel? LOTS can get done. I thank you for your thoughts, though. The big meal should be fine, and I am looking forward to a long weekend of family and leftovers and time to finish putting the gardens away for the season.
FanTAStic!! Maybe throw a little “Da Bears” in there and some “Sahhsage”, and he’ll be good! Love this post – the company I work for is based out of Florida, and after one conference call, I’m one with “ya’ll”!!!Really really cute post!
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 23:07:46 +0800
Your explanation of Google Wave and how to ride the Waves while Blipping along at the TxDLA conference was terrific! I and my staff are excited to share the Waves with faculty at El Paso Communnity College. Thanks, Bob
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:45:18 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:45:03 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:44:43 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:44:30 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:43:48 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 17:18:15 +0800
What's it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 11:40:42 +0800
I've been looking for a post like this for an age
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:56:01 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:55:52 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:55:41 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:55:21 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:55:07 +0800
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 06:30:43 +0800
All I can say girl is I am happy for you. Most of your posts lately and specially your pics on FB show you happier than I’ve ever known you and even though you had to go through hard stuff to get here, it seems like it’s more then worth it. Very happy for you and this was beautiful!
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 05:43:11 +0800
An unputdownable speech is designer annotate. I cerebrate that you should correspond statesman on this subject, it strength not be a taboo theme but generally fill are not enough to utter on specified topics. To the next. Cheers like your Womens lingerie videos.
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 05:24:19 +0800
CORRECTION: I apologize, I meant to say Thomas Jefferson did NOT make the statement you attribute to him. Three-letter words often are important…just like GOD.
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 00:06:51 +0800
Lo del flash es tan simple como que Firefox no va a soportar HTML5 en AVC mientras que tenga que soltar la gallina -y la va a tener que soltar-, Firefox supone el mayor trozo del pastel de navegadores y Google quiere mantener un estandar aceptado por la mayoría de navegadoresY como Flash sigue siendo infinitamente mejor que la etiqueta de vídeo de HTML5 en cuanto a rendimiento y soporte de estándares en cuanto a reproducción de vídeo … blanco y en botellaPD: Puedes subir 1GB pero la cuenta es de 1GB
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0800
Anon: How thoughtful, how insightful of you. I think the reason I felt so lousy about it all is…well, gee, MY gardens are my own attempt at something constructive, especially in light of my thoughts on how we as a species tend to screw things up. I didn’t expect destruction so close to home. Nada: a girl with a plan and a shovel? LOTS can get done. I thank you for your thoughts, though. The big meal should be fine, and I am looking forward to a long weekend of family and leftovers and time to finish putting the gardens away for the season.
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 22:59:37 +0800
That's an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 20:38:25 +0800
FanTAStic!! Maybe throw a little “Da Bears” in there and some “Sahhsage”, and he’ll be good! Love this post – the company I work for is based out of Florida, and after one conference call, I’m one with “ya’ll”!!!Really really cute post!